Digestive System While depression is often thought of as a mental illness, it also plays a heavy role in appetite and nutrition. Some people cope by overeating or bingeing. This can lead to weight gain and obesity-related illnesses.
You may even lose your appetite entirely, or fail to eat a balanced diet.
Eating problems can lead to symptoms that include:
Cardiovascular & immune systems
Depression and stress are closely related. Stress hormones speed heart rate and make blood vessels tighten, putting your body in a prolonged state of emergency. Over time, this can lead to heart disease.
Depression and stress may have a negative impact on the immune system, making you more vulnerable to infections and diseases.
Central nervous system
Feeling tired all the time or having trouble sleeping at night. Other symptoms include: irritability, anger, and loss of interest in things that used to bring pleasure.
Depression can cause headaches, chronic body aches, and pain that may not respond to medication. It’s also sometimes an effect of certain neurological diseases long term.
Below shows more effects that I may not have mentioned. Depression affects more than just the mind, even your body suffers.
Thank you for reading, hope this was informative x
Tarie Speaks