Let me start off by sharing some VERY important statistics:
60% of people using social media reported that it has impacted their self-esteem in a negative way
50% reported social media having negative effects on their relationships
80% reported that is easier to be deceived by others through their sharing on social media
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Social media has been linked to higher levels of loneliness, envy, anxiety,depression, narcissism and decreased social skills. Sometimes it appears everyone you know are in great relationships, taking 5* vacations with their partners and living your dream life. However, what is shared across our social networks only broadcasts the positive aspects of our lives-the highlight reels.
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Some Effects To Take Note Of:
Posting dinners, selfies and holiday photographs over human interaction for some is more than enough interaction. For some couples they don’t even communicate or talk to eachother bout their day because they seem to already know what their partners did during the day. So they don’t need to talk much in person.
Some people have become reliant on what is called “Vanity Validation”. The persona you portray on your networks and the true you, for some creates a double consciousness. Your lauded self on social media is constantly seeking more validation through electronic likes, not real life.
For some, projecting what they want people to see and getting likes, adds, re-tweets, and shares helps them feel better about themselves and connected to others.
Self-Esteem and “Vanity Validation”:
51% say social media has made them feel more self-conscious about their appearance.
Well “research has also shown that Instagram users are becoming increasingly depressed from comparing themselves to their own profile. Meaning that if a person’s reality does not match the digital illusion they post on their profiles, emotionally, one may feel they are not living up to the “best” form of themselves.”
It really do be affecting your mental health really quick too. You don’t even realise it, that’s how detrimental it is. Even the mentally strong people can find themselves feeling less than worthy sometimes, it really happens to anyone it’s just how quickly you notice it and work on it.
Thank you all for your support through interactions, emails, liking and viewing my blog posts. See you on the next one,
Tarie Speaks