The book was written by Mark Manson who started off as a blogger just like me! This review will be an insight into the book.
First things first, WOW! A life changer. I would rate this book 4.5/5*. The reason why it’s not straight 5/5 is because for me it was a slow book to get into and get engaged, however I finished it all in just 8 days!
It’s good to get into this book knowing it is no guide to life or greatness, instead it is the honest truth we often avoid. It’s a painfully honest book.
For instance, in life we are told to think positive and be optimistic all the damn time, Mark Manson says “f*ck positivity” things are f*cked beyond our control and we have to just live with it.
We are encouraged to seek happiness in all that we do, Mark Manson tells us not to seek it, it comes to us, he says “the path to happiness is one full of sh*t heaps of shame”.
Honestly I cannot begin to explain fully the amazing-ness of this book, so you know what? I will write a part 2 of this review next time however focusing on how the book changed me as a person.
Thank you for reading guys,
Tarie Speaks