When being pretty/beautiful gets you better things or opportunities. “Penny got a taller swirl on her ice cream cone because the server thought she was pretty; she’s got the pretty privilege” - URBAN DICTIONARY
Pretty privilege allows people to gain some sort of perks, or should I say privileges in life. There are three main ones that I will be discussing. POWER, HAPPINESS & FREEDOM. (creds to HUFFPOST)
I don’t know but I guess it's nice to be a sex goddess and be desired by all for some. But the real upside of beauty is all the practical powers that go along with being desired. Men obsess over beautiful, young women. Hence why, beauties have some sort of powers out there. Pretty girlies can move up the social ladder so easily you don’t even notice it happen. As we all know already, the world is controlled by big powerful men, and beautiful women manage to wrap powerful males around their little fingers. Which, as a result makes them the most powerful creatures on earth.
No offence but, just like a lot of white people were never even aware of all the privileges that go hand-in-hand with being white, a lot of pretty girls are clueless to their privileges. In fact, they're often clueless to the fact that they're even considered beautiful. Often she might not even get it that she's as beautiful as she is but the rest of the world gets it, and they treat her accordingly. So, she goes through her youthful days oblivious to the fact that people are treating her differently. Instead, she looks at the world around her and thinks it's a nice place full of attentive people. And these people are constantly telling her how smart and interesting she is, so she figures she must be smart and interesting. Oblivious to reality, she walks through her young life, delusional and happy. Injustice is the smile on a pretty girl's face.
Society looks at a beautiful woman and quickly determines she could have, at the very least, married rich. I’ll just go on a quick tangent but; why is it that she needs to be married to a rich man to afford an expensive look? Can she not afford it herself? In a way, I see pretty privilege as the world calling and labelling these women as dumb blondes who depend on men. Ironically enough, the reason beautiful women are granted this freedom is due to the silly rule in the game stating that beautiful women are deemed automatically worthy simply due to their looks.
Privileges are very funny things, all of them.
Tarie Speaks