Part time jobs are truly a character build.
I for one started working part time at the age of 16 at KFC. Earning a mere £4.05/hr. Deep it. Call it what you want but that was child labour! It humbles you. When you’re on an 8hr shift wondering how many hours it’ll take to raise £65 for that newly released pair of vans. It really humbles you.
It’s that kind of life event that teaches you adulthood and the important things that you’re not taught at school, like managing your money.
Earning £4.05 meant that I was very cautious about my spending habits. It really did hurt my chest getting money withdrawal notifications...
You become financially stable and well aware from a young age allowing you to grow those important budgeting skills for later life.
You feel and understand the blood, sweat & tears it takes to make money, so you understand it’s value.
Fast food is like everyone’s first job, my friend Jasmeen worked at McDonalds for about a year. I asked her what she learned through the experience; “I had to really get to grips with being more confident to deal with all kinds of customers, even the sh*tty ones”.
CONFIDENCE BOOST! Its really is a confidence boost having a part time job. You face different customers every day, I had to leave my shy & introverted self in the changing room. At the end of your shift you’ll feel fulfilled and accomplished - very positive effect on your self-esteem.
The transferable skills are endless! Team work, team leading, communication & listening etc. You learn responsibility over your time and money. Time management is the biggest flex of a part time job. Juggling your personal life, studies and job make for a busy schedule & managing it well is a skill.
Essentially, a part time job gives you the skills and attributes beneficial while studying and in your career. -
Tarie Speaks