Mindfulness helps us face our self-conscious fears.
Take it from me, it’s very hard to live in the moment if we worry constantly about what other people might be thinking of us.
Self-consciousness sets up a dual thinking process so instead of listening to the other person or concentrating on what we want or need to say, we are also wondering how we are coming across to the next person.
Its important to practice mindfulness. This way we will be more ourselves and present, we won’t only overcome any self-conscious fears or worries about the opinions of others, but we will become more engaged and relaxed.
Like I always say to you guys, it is better said than done. Even I am still in the process of becoming more mindful and just focus on the moments I’m experiencing and it really helps numb the negative thoughts.
Thank you for reading, hope to see you on my next post!
Tarie Speaks