To my women with the utmost respect, intellect. We often forget and neglect intuition can see through illusive intent, listen to it - H.E.R
intuition /ɪntjʊˈɪʃ(ə)n/
the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning.
I’ve made too many decisions based on my gut feelings & it’s always right. It’s good to rely on our surroundings and the vibes we get from them, as well as the instincts from previous experiences.
Make the right decision:
If you’re getting a bad feeling about something please listen to it. It’ll help you make the correct decision, & it’ll probably be the safest way to make a decision because your own body is telling you what to do. Listen to it.
That bad vibe is a sign:
There’s definitely a reason you get bad vibes from your best friend’s new boyfriend. Bad vibes are serious signals we need to take a note of because it’s our bodies reacting to surroundings and situations, don’t ignore it.
Listen to it & it’ll never disappoint:
Like a muscle, our intuition will become more and more stronger and reliable the more we make use of it.
You’ll come to understand yourself better and figure out what your feelings mean in a variety of different situations.
Tarie Speaks